Tools to Empower Leaders
Christy expertly facilitates leadership and empowerment change at the core level.
Her methodologies assist in releasing the thoughts, habits and behaviors that are holding her clients back in life.
She uses a range of methodologies, including The Leadership Circle™, Emotional Energetic Repatterning, WaveMaker™, Heartmath and Christy’s own Root Cause of Common Problems.
Whether you are interested in Christy’s individual, group or leadership coaching, Christy will work with each client to determine the right path and methodology.
Her methodologies assist in releasing the thoughts, habits and behaviors that are holding her clients back in life.

Christy’s Methodologies
As the Senior Consultant with the Leadership Circle, Christy supports and facilitates new learning and true breakthroughs with recently certified TLC consults as well as with her own clients.
This assessment is the first to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the underlying motivations and habits of thought. It reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behavior.
TLCP goes to the source of behavior to get greater leverage on change. Furthermore, unlike most leadership 360 degree assessments, which take hours to interpret, TLCP integrates all this information in a way that brings the key issues to the surface instantly. It immediately gets your leader in touch with what is working, what is not, and why!
TLCP creates a foundation on which change can occur at a deeper level and a sustainable pace, leading to an empowerment of people.
More Revealing – The Leadership Circle Profile (TLCP) is the only leadership 360 assessment that connects patterns of behavior with habits of thought.
More Advanced – It instantly reveals key opportunities for your leader’s development without reams of documentation.
More Than Just An Assessment – The rich theoretical underpinnings of TLCP provide a pathway to transformation. No other assessment of this type offers this.
More Efficient – It allows the coach to start at a breakthrough point with a leader rather than spend months trying to reach one.
More Dynamic – HR professionals, leaders, and seasoned consultants/coaches, consistently report that TLCP facilitates authentic, breakthrough results.
Widely Accepted – TLCP is truly world class and used by a vast number of leading local, national, and international organizations, and government agencies.
Our office conducted the Leadership Circle Program with Christy, and she was a supportive leader throughout the process. With her guidance, colleagues at our office were able to grow by gaining more skills in understanding how to communicate with one another and understand when we were being reactive versus creative. After completing the Leadership Circle Program, we’ve seen many improvements in our communication and efficiency.
Root Cause of Common Problems is the model Christy uses to illustrate how the components of a tree reflect client’s reactive and creative patterns of behavior and thought.
The new insights, techniques and skills that the Root Cause seminar provides, when learned and used, can help liberate clients from the invisible but powerful influences of their early childhood conditioning. Our childhood conditioning has a pervasive and insidious grip on us, controlling our behavior and decision-making and keeping us locked into a very limited level of self-expression and enjoyment.
Those who have used the Root Cause insights and techniques find to their amazement and delight, how quickly and easily they are able to come out of the illusions and problems caused by their conditioning.
Christy is my biggest ally for healing and growth. She is opening my eyes to the gift that I am.
Emotional Energetic Repatterning (EER) was developed by Christy to address unproductive behaviors and patterns. It uncovers the social and emotional childhood experiences (root causes) that impacts self-expression and life enjoyment. The experiences and observations, assumptions, conclusions and beliefs developed in our youth create reactive behavior in our adult life. These dysfunctional behaviors may appear as anxiety, nervousness, emptiness, fear, helpless, inferior, desperate, powerless, depressed, shamed, angry, invalidated, abandoned, defective etc.
Participating in EER helps clients identify patterns of behavior caused by those early experiences and allows them to transmute energy to a positive, creative space, rather than reactive.
How EER Works:
EER shifts the energy of thoughts, beliefs and assumptions that underlie negative repetitive patterns of behavior, which leads to transformational change. Traditional therapy uses a “thinking mind” approach to resolving an energetic experience. It is like trying to see music, or touch the scent of a cake baking. EER gets to the root cause; the early conditioning that causes a cascade of life imbalances.
EER Strategies
Cognitive Therapy: examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Psychoneuroimmunology: how the mind impacts the body.
Somatic Psychology: how the body responds.
Mindfulness: bringing pure consciousness awareness to a situation allowing the patterns of energy and information to be observed and the impact reduced.
Her insight and intuition are right on, and she helps me cut through the illusions to what is real. She is helping me gather myself from all the places in my life where I disintegrated with reaction to traumas.
The WaveMaker™ is a technology that recognizes the energetic patterns of the root causes that hold inner conflicts in place and “prunes” them so clients obtain a great sense of awareness, authenticity, integrity, and balance.
It can invert the energy/information patterns of conditioning, habits, traumas, negative emotional states, stress, etc. It can also be used to cancel out the energy patterns of toxins, pathogens, drug residues, addictive substances, allergy reactivity, etc.
It can amplify and optimize the energy of the naturally occurring resonances of positive emotional states and capacities that need optimizing.
HeartMath was founded by Doc Childre in 1991 to help individuals, organizations and the global community incorporate the heart’s intelligence into their day-to-day experience of life. We do this by connecting heart and science in ways that empower people to greatly reduce stress, build resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices.
Heart rate variation is a strong indicator of a person’s mental state. By using HeartMath methods that prompt clients to focus on the present moment in a simple, non-intrusive manner, clients gain insight into what their triggers are that cause unease and anxiety. As a result, they understand how quickly they can affect change in themselves, and develop resources to actively, effectively, change for the better.
I am so grateful for Christy’s kindness, generosity, and skill in providing me the tools and framework to tap into the awareness and potential of each human soul and authentic leader. I truly appreciated her insights and mentorship in walking me through the debrief and have greatly enjoyed getting to work with her.
Brené Brown’s research on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy have positively transformed many organizations. The Dare to Lead Curriculum combines videos, in-person facilitation, and exercises.
With this method, Christy focuses on developing courage-building skills, and teaching individuals and teams how to move from armored leadership to daring leadership using Brené Brown’s research as the foundational tool.
The Get Clarity® SHIFT program is designed to help individuals understand the choice points in their lives to create their own positive reality. Clarity’s Thought Changing System provides Christy’s clients with a simple, easy to use system to SHIFT their thought energy.
With this method, clients maintain positive energy when surrounded by negativity, attract their desired outcomes, gain a greater mental clarity and develop deeper personal relationships.
“Christy’s work with the Leadership Circle and her own curriculum on executive coaching has introduced emotional intelligence to men and women in the corporate world which has led to stronger teams and better business results for those involved.”Liz Cahill, President, Cahill Branding, Former CMO State of Colorado – VP of Marketing Lee Jeans
“It is truly extraordinary to watch Christy in action as she shares her compassion and caring while inspiring others through her coaching and mentoring skills to not only step into their greatness, but also to emulate qualities that enhance the lives of so many others.”Carol Calkins, PhD, Executive Director, Global Sisterhood Network and 14-year camper, CampExperienceTM Network.
“Christy’s work has been crucial to our success, and she brings an energy and light to everything we do.”Dafna Michelson Jenet, Colorado State Representative and Co-Curator of TEDxCherryCreek
“Christy is a community leader with a proven track record of helping to better women in
Colorado’s community, both as a coach and speaker.”Cathy Lucas
Chief of Staff/VP of Strategy, Metropolitan State University of Denver